Suzhou Boomways Toy & Gift Co., Ltd

How to go from HOGNQIAO Airport to Luzhi Town

It about to 40 mins from Shanghai HongQiao airport to Luzhi Town by Car. It is nearest the highway is S20 to S26 in WEST direction and take Luzhi exits at high-speed.

This is the most convenient way to by car.

If you prefer to take high-speed train, you could take from Hongqiao station to Kunshan nan station, here are about 200 high-speed trains between Shanghai and Kunshan nan  every day,the high-speed just take 15-25mins,but you should take subway from Hongqiao airport to Hongqiao Station, it takes about 10 mins.

After your get to Kunshan nan station, we will  pick your up. It about 30mins from Kunshan nan to our Factory.

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